IBM Books

MAS V3.3 Protocol Config Ref Vol 1

Configuring and Monitoring DLSw

This chapter describes how to configure and monitor the Data Link Switching protocol. It includes the following sections:

Accessing the DLSw Configuration Environment

Use the CONFIG process to change the configuration of the router. The new configuration takes effect when the device is restarted.

To enter the configuration process, enter talk 6 (or t 6), at the OPCON (*) prompt. This brings you to the CONFIG> prompt as shown in the following example:

MOS Operator Console
For help using the Command Line Interface, press ESCAPE, then '?'
* talk 6
Gateway user configuration

If the CONFIG> prompt does not appear immediately, press the Enter key again.

All DLSw configuration commands are entered at the DLS config> prompt. To access this prompt, enter the protocol DLSw command as shown:

Config>protocol dls
DLSw protocol user configuration
DLSw config>

Preconfiguration Requirements

Before you begin any configuration procedure, use the list device command from the config prompt to list the interface numbers of different devices. If you need any further configuration command explanations, see the configuration commands described in this chapter.

DLSw Configuration Commands

This section summarizes and explains the DLSw configuration commands. The DLSw configuration commands enable you to create or modify a DLSw configuration. Table 37 provides a brief summary of each command. Enter all the DLSw configuration commands following the DLSw Config> prompt. Defaults for any command and its parameters are enclosed in brackets immediately following the prompt.

Changes made to the router's configuration do not take effect immediately, but become part of the router's SRAM configuration when it is restarted.

Table 37. DLSw Configuration Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add  Adds an SDLC link station, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, MAC address list entries, circuit priority overrides, or MAC cache explorer-overrides.
 Ban   Allows access to the Boundary Access Node (BAN) configuration prompt so that BAN configuration commands can be entered. 
 Close-Sap   Closes a currently-opened service access point (SAP). DLSw uses SAPs for communication on interfaces that support LLC. 
 Delete  Removes configured SDLC link station, a TCP connection, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, MAC address list entries, circuit priority overrides, or MAC cache explorer overrides.
 Disable  Disables the DLSw protocol, SDLC link station, LLC disconnect function, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or local and remote MAC address list use.
 Enable  Enables the DLSw protocol, SDLC link station, LLC disconnect function, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, local and remote MAC address list use, or IPv4 DLSw precedence bit setting.
 Join-Group   Allows DLSw neighbors to dynamically find each other. 
 Leave-Group   Removes the router from the specified DLSw group. 
 List   Displays information for SDLC link stations, SAPs, circuit priority, DLSw groups, DLSw global information, QLLC destinations, stations, and interfaces, cache entries, or MAC address list entries. The command also provides detailed information on TCP connections. 
 NetBIOS   Provides access to the NetBIOS configuration prompt. 
 Open-SAP   Allows DLSw to transmit data over the specified SAP. DLSw uses SAPs for communication on interfaces that support LLC. 
 Set   Configures LLC2 parameters, number of DLSw sessions, SRB segment number, TCP buffer size, memory allocation, protocol timers, circuit priority, parameters for dynamic neighbors, parameters for QLLC operation, and MAC address list-related parameters. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to configure an SDLC link station, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, MAC address list entries, circuit priority overrides, and MAC cache explorer overrides.



Adds a configured MAC cache entry. This cache entry maps a specific MAC address to a specific DLSw peer. One MAC address can be mapped to multiple DLSw peers by adding multiple cache entries.

Example: add cache-entry

Enter MAC Address [400000000000]? 10005a123456
Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address []?
MAC cache entry has been created.            

Adds a MAC cache explorer override entry. This override allows a set of MAC addresses to possess different MAC cache and explorer flow characteristics. When a MAC cache entry is created, the list of explorer overrides is searched in the order that they are configured. If a match is found, then the MAC cache and explorer related parameters from the first matching explorer override are used. If no match is found, then the DLSw global MAC cache and explorer related values are used.

Example: add explorer-override

Enter MAC address value [000000000000]?400031740000
Enter MAC address mask [FFFFFFFFFFFF]?ffffffff0000
Database age timeout (0-1000 secs. Decimal)[0.0]?0
Max wait timer ICANREACH (1-1000 secs. Decimal) [2.0?]
Neighbor priority wait timer (0,0-5.0 secs. Decimal) [2.0]?0
Time to delay sending test response (0.0-5.0 secs. Decimal) [0.0]?
Forwarding explorers (E/L/D) [E]?
Enter position in explorer override list to insert new entry ....
  Record number (0=add at end of list) [0]?
Explorer override record has been created.

MAC address value and MAC address mask
When combined, these two fields represent a set of MAC addresses. To determine whether a configured MAC cache explorer override record with the given value and mask should be used for a specific MAC address, the following algorithm is used:
if ((<specific MAC address>AND<override's mask>) == <override's value>)
match on explorer override is found; use override's value

Database age timeout
Specifies how long to hold unused DLSw entries. Database entries map destination MAC addresses into the set of DLSw peers that can reach them.

A value of zero indicates that entries in this database should not be aged. This may be useful when running neighbor TCP connections over dial interfaces, but is not generally recommended because it disables a number of other DLSw functions.

Max wait timer ICANREACH
Specifies how long to wait for an ICANREACH response for a previously transmitted CANUREACH.

Neighbor priority wait timer
Specifies the amount of time to wait during exploration before selecting a neighbor. This allows a higher priority neighbor to be selected even if it is not the first to respond with an ICANREACH message.

A value of zero indicates that the neighbor priority feature is not to be used. There will be no cached DLSw peer information for the MAC address. A CANREACH is always sent and the first DLSw peer to send an ICANREACH is used (regardless of its priority).

Delay sending TEST response
The amount of time to wait after completing exploration for a MAC address before sending the TEST response. This is useful if there are two DLSw 2216s on the same bridged LAN capable of reaching the same MAC address via DLSw peers. If one DLSw 2216 is preferable, the TEST response can be delayed at the less preferable DLSw 2216.

Forwarding explorers
Specifies whether explorers should be forwarded to all applicable DLSw peers, forwarded only on the local TCP connection, or not forwarded at all.

Position in explorer override list to insert new entry
Since the first matching MAC cache explorer override match is used, the order in which the explorer override entries are configured is important. This field specifies where in the current override list to insert this new entry. The list explorer-override command can be used to see the current explorer override list. A value of zero for this field specifies to add the new entry at the end of the current list.

Adds a local MAC address list entry. All added local MAC address list entries make up the local MAC address list. The local MAC address list is sent to each DLSw peer to indicate the set of MAC addresses that are reachable using this DLSw.

Example: add mac-list

Enter MAC Address Value[400000000000]? 10005a000000
Enter MAC Address Mask [ffffff000000]?
MAC list entry has been created.
For the new entry to take effect, you must restart or commit the change using
     't 5': SET MAC LIST                

Enter MAC Address Value and Enter MAC Address Mask
These two fields when combined represent a set of MAC addresses reachable using this DLSw. If a frame is received at a peer DLSw, then these two fields are used in the following algorithm:
if ( (<frame's destination MAC address> AND <MAC Address Mask>)
     == <MAC Address Value> )
match on MAC address list found; forward frame to this DLSw

Adds a circuit priority override entry. When a DLSw session is being established, the list of circuit priority overrides is searched in the order that they are configured. If a match on the source SAP range and source MAC address range and destination SAP range and destination MAC address range is found, then the matching circuit priority override entry's session and explorer priorities are used. If no match with any circuit priority override entry is found, then the default circuit priority values are used.

Example: add priority

Enter range of source SAPs .....
  Lower source sap value [0]?
  Upper source sap value [FE]?
Enter range of source MAC addresses .....
  Lower source MAC address [000000000000]?
  Upper source MAC address [FFFFFFFFFFFF]?
Enter range of destination SAPs .....
  Lower destination sap value [0]?
  Upper destination sap value [FE]? c
Enter range of destination MAC addresses .....
  Lower destination MAC address [000000000000]? 10005a000000
  Upper destination MAC address [FFFFFFFFFFFF]? 10005affffff
Enter desired circuit priorities .....
Priority for session traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]? c
Priority for explorer traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]? m
Enter position in circuit priority override list to insert new entry .....
  Record number (0=add at end of list) [0]?
Circuit priority override record has been created.             

Lower source sap value

Upper source sap value
These two fields when combined represent the range of source saps assigned to this circuit priority override. If the value of the source sap does not matter, then specify the full range of source sap values (lower source value = 0 and upper source value = fe).

Lower source MAC address

Upper source MAC address
These two fields when combined represent the range of source MAC addresses assigned to this circuit priority override. If the value of the source MAC address does not matter, then specify the full range of source MAC address values (lower source MAC address = 000000000000 and upper source MAC address = ffffffffffff).

Lower destination sap value

Upper destination sap value
These two fields when combined represent the range of destination saps assigned to this circuit priority override. If the value of the destination sap does not matter, then specify the full range of destination sap values (lower destination sap value = 0 and upper destination sap value = fe)

Lower destination MAC address

Upper destination MAC address
These two fields combined represent the range of destination MAC addresses assigned to this circuit priority override. If the value of the destination MAC address does not matter, then specify the full range of destination MAC address values (lower destination MAC address = 000000000000 and upper destination MAC address = ffffffffffff).

Priority for session traffic
The circuit priority to assign to all session traffic that matches this circuit priority override entry's range of source SAPs, source MAC addresses, destination SAPs, and destination MAC addresses.

Priority for explorer traffic
The circuit priority to assign to all explorer traffic that matches this circuit priority override entry's range of source SAPs, source MAC addresses, destination SAPs, and destination MAC addresses.

Position in circuit priority override list to insert new entry
Since the first matching circuit priority override match is used, the order in which the circuit priority override entries are configured is important. This field specifies where in the current circuit priority override list to insert this new entry. The list priority command can be used to see the current circuit priority override list. A value of zero for this field specifies to add the new entry at the end of the current list.

Adds support for a QLLC station on an X.25 network, or for a DLSw destination for QLLC stations. A QLLC station is the local link station representing a QLLC device attached to the router through an X.25 interface. A QLLC destination is an address mapping that points to a device in the DLSw network. That device is attached to a neighbor DLSw router via any of its supported DLC types, and frequently will not be a QLLC device itself.



Example: add qllc destination

Enter the connection id (1-8 alphanumeric chars) [ ]? conn1
Destination MAC address [000000000000]? 400031740000
Destination SAP in hex [4]?
QLLC destination record added/updated

Connection id
Alphanumeric character string to be matched by bytes 4-11 of the call user data in incoming Call_Request packets. In many QLLC products, this value is configured as a password.

If a QLLC Destination record is configured with "ANYCALL", all calls are accepted by DLSw (regardless of DTE address or connection id). Be aware, there are security issues when accepting all incoming calls.

Destination MAC address
The MAC address to be used as a target for sessions initiated by an incoming QLLC call, where the Call_Request packet matches the above connection id.

Destination SAP
The target SAP to be used for the same type of session.

Example: add qllc station

Interface # [0]? 1
Logical channel number (1-4095) [0]? 2
Source MAC address [400000310104]?
Source SAP in hex [4]?
Destination MAC address [000000000000]? 400011112323
Destination SAP in hex [0]? 4
PU type (2/4/5) [2]?
XID0 block num in hex (0-0xfff) [0]?
XID0 id num in hex (0-0xfffff) [0]?
New QLLC station record added

Interface #
The number of the X.25 interface by which the QLLC device is attached to the router.

The type of virtual circuit (permanent or switched) by which the QLLC device is to be connected.

Logical channel number
For PVCs, the X.25 channel number to which the QLLC station is subscribed. This field is not applicable to SVCs, which use dynamically assigned channel numbers.

DTE address
For SVCs, the "phone number" by which the QLLC station is known to its X.25 network. This is the called party address for calls being placed by the router, and the calling party address for calls from the QLLC station. This field is not applicable to PVCs, which can be uniquely identified by a fixed logical channel number.

Source MAC address
The Medium Access Control address that represents this QLLC station to the rest of the DLSw network. This is the origin address for DLSw sessions started by the QLLC station, and the target address for sessions started by other devices in the DLSw network.

This address is required for each station and must be unique among all the source MAC addresses for QLLC and SDLC devices configured in the router. To work reliably, it also should be unique among all end-station MAC addresses in the DLSw network. The default value is constructed to be likely to be unique within the network. This and all DLSw MAC addresses are in noncanonical (token-ring) bit order format .

Source SAP
The Service Access Point address paired with the source MAC address. It is used in the same way.

Destination MAC address
The Medium Access Control address that represents a station in the DLSw network to which the QLLC device is to be connected. For PVCs, DLSw attempts to start a session to this target address as soon as the QLLC device is successfully contacted. For SVCs, DLSw attempts to start a session to this target address as soon as the QLLC device places an incoming call.

This address is not required. If you do not configure it, the QLLC station can only be the target of a DLSw session, and not the origin.

Destination SAP
The Service Access Point address paired with the destination MAC address. It is used in the same way. Both the destination MAC address and destination SAP must be non-zero for DLSw to use them as a target for a DLSw session.

PU type
The SNA Physical Unit type of the QLLC station. This may have one of the following values:

A PU 2.0 or T2.1 node. This may also represent devices that send XID_1s in response to an XID_null poll.

An intermediate SNA controller performing subarea SNA routing functions. These typically run IBM's NCP software in an intermediate network node (INN) mode to another NCP, and is not for NCP boundary function connections to PU 2 devices.

A host or host with a front-end processor (for example, 37xx with NCP) making a boundary function connection to a PU 2.0 device in the DLSw network. If the host is making a connection to a T2.1 device in the DLSw network, it is preferable, but not required, to configure the host itself as a T2.1 device (that is, PU type=2, XID0 block/id num=0).

XID0 block num
The XID block number field for the router to use when building an XID_0 on behalf of the QLLC station. This field is applicable, and is prompted for, only when the PU type is 2. For T2.1 devices and any PU 2.0 device that can respond on its own to an XID_null poll, this field is optional and should be left zero. If you are unsure, it is safest to fill this in for all PU2.0 QLLC devices, and leave zero for all T2.1 devices. If non-zero, it must match the corresponding PU address field in the IBM NCP switched major node configuration for the link station.

XID0 id num
The XID identifier number field that goes along with the XID0 block number field. It is used for the same purposes and is needed in the same situations.

Adds SDLC information specifically for adding an SDLC link station to the configuration on a given SDLC serial interface. The sdlc command should be used once for each secondary station on the SDLC line.
add sdlc
DLSw config>add sdlc
Interface # [0]? 2
SDLC Address or 'sw' (switched call-in) [C1]?
Source MAC address [4000112402C1]? 4000003174d1
Source SAP in hex [4]?
Destination MAC address [000000000000]? 400000000002
Destination SAP in hex [0]? 4
PU type (1/2/4/5) [2]?
XID0 block num in hex (0-0xfff) [0]? 017
XID0 id num in hex (0-0xfffff) [0]? 00001
Poll with TEST (T), SNRM (S), or DELAYED SNRM (D) [T]?

Interface #
The number of the SDLC interface by which the SDLC device is attached to the router.

SDLC Address
The SDLC address of the link station that you are connecting, between 01-FE or "sw". "Sw" indicates that this is a switched SDLC call-in circuit.

Source MAC address
The MAC address for this SDLC PU. This value identifies the attached SDLC station within the DLSw domain. It must be unique among the SDLC and QLLC stations attached to this router, and it should be unique among all LAN, SDLC, and QLLC.

Source SAP in hex
Along with the source MAC address, represents the SDLC end-station within the DLSw domain.

Destination MAC Address
The MAC address of the remote link station that you are connecting to. The MAC address is in noncanonical bit order (token-ring) format. This is true even if the remote end-station is on the Ethernet. Use the ASRT monitoring flip command to help flip the MAC address, in such cases.
Note:The destination address cannot have a value of 0 if this is a switched SDLC call-in circuit (indicated by "sw" as the SDLC address).

Destination SAP in hex
Defines the SAP to be used when automatically attempting a connection when the link station comes up. If this SAP is 0, then the link station is in passive mode and does not initiate line establishment. In this case, the destination MAC address is ignored.
Note:The destination SAP cannot have a value of 0 if this is a switched SDLC call-in circuit (indicated by "sw" as the SDLC address).

PU type
The SNA Physical Unit type of the SDLC station. This may have one of the following values:

A PU1 node. If an SDLC-attached PU1 node is communicating with an SDLC-attached device supporting PU1 devices, configure the PU type as 1 and the XIDO block id/num as zero. If an SDLC-attached PU1 node is communicating with a LAN-attached device supporting PU1 devices, configure the PU type as 1 and the XIDO block id/num as non-zero.

A PU 2.0 or T2.1 node.

An intermediate SNA controller performing subarea SNA routing functions. Typically, these run IBM's NCP software in an intermediate network node (INN) mode to another NCP, and is not for NCP boundary function connections to PU 2 devices.

A host, with or without a front-end processor (for example, a 37xx with NCP), making a boundary function connection to a PU 2.0 device in the DLSw network. If the host is making a connection to a T2.1 device in the DLSw network, you must configure the host itself as a T2.1 device (that is, PU type=2, XID0 block/id num=0).
Note:You cannot set this parameter for a switched SDLC call-in circuit. A PU type of 2.0 is assumed.

XID0 block num
The XID block number field for the router to use when building an XID_0 on behalf of the SDLC station. This field is applicable and is prompted for only when the PU type is 1 or 2. It is optional, and should be left zero for T2.1 devices and any PU 2.0 device that can respond on its own to an XID_null poll. If you are unsure, it is safest to fill this in for all PU2.0 SDLC devices, and leave zero for all T2.1 devices. It should also be left zero for PU1 devices communicating with SDLC-attached devices supporting PU1 devices. If non-zero, it must match the corresponding PU address field in the IBM NCP switched major node configuration for the link station.
Note:If you set this parameter to a non-zero value for a switched SDLC call-in circuit, the configured information is placed in XID_0. For a switched SDLC call-in circuit, the configured XID_0 blcok num is used differently. The software assumes that the call-in station will always build its own XID_0. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the station's XID_0 is modified with the configured value. If this parameter is set to a zero value, the station's XID_0 is not modified.

XID0 id num
The XID identifier number field that goes along with the XID0 block number field. It is used for the same purposes and is needed in the same situations.

Poll type
Defines how and when to poll the SDLC device:

Poll the SDLC device with TEST frame when the interface becomes active

Poll the SDLC device with a SNRM frame when the interface becomes active.

Poll the SDLC device with a SNRM frame when the DLSW session has been established and the interface is active.

Adds the internal address of a DLSw peer with which this DLSw can make a connection.

Example: add tcp

Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address []?
Connectivity setup type (a/p) [p]?
Transmit Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Receive Buffer Size (Decimal)  [5120]?
Maximum Segment Size (Decimal) [1024]?
Enable/Disable Keepalive? (E/D) - [D]?
Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D) [D]?
Neighbor Priority (H/M/L) [M]?

Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address
Indicates the IP address of the remote DLSw peer in the IP network to which you want to make a connection.

Connectivity setup type
Indicates whether the TCP connection to this DLSw should be made at router startup (Active), or as needed (Passive). For an overview of these options, see "TCP Connections, Neighbor Discovery, and Multicast Exploration".

Transmit Buffer Size
The size of the packet transmit buffer from 1024 to 32768. Default is 5120.

Receive Buffer Size
The size of the packet receive buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default size is 5120.

Maximum Segment Size
The maximum size of the TCP segment from 64 to 16384. The default is 1024.

Enable/Disable Keepalive (E/D)
Indicates whether you want DLSw to send TCP connection Keepalive messages. The default is D (Disable).

Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D)
Indicates whether you want to discard NetBIOS SessionAlive I-Frames (do not forward to the DLSw partner). The default is D (Disable) meaning do not discard frame.

Neighbor Priority
Allows you to specify the neighbor priority as High, Medium, or Low. If a destination station is reachable through several neighbor routers with different priorities, DLSw tries to establish circuits to that station through the highest-priority neighbor.


Use the ban command to access the Boundary Access Node (BAN) configuration prompt. BAN commands are entered at the BAN configuration prompt (BAN config>). See "BAN" for an explanation of each of these commands.




Use the close-sap command to disable DLSw switching for the specified service access point (SAP). These SAPs are used by LLC for configuration on the network.



Example: close-sap

Interface #[1]?
Enter SAP in hex (range 0-FE), or one of the following:
   'SNA', 'NB', or LNM [0]? sna
SAP(s) 0 4 8 C closed on interface 1

Interface #
The interface number used by the open SAP.

Enter SAP
You can enter individual SAPs in hex or you can enter SNA, NB (NetBIOS), or LNM (LAN Network Manager).

If you enter SAPs in hex, the range is 0 to FE and the SAP must be an even number.

If you enter SNA, SAPs 0, 4, 8, and C are closed.

If you enter NB, SAP F0 is closed.

If you enter LNM, SAPs 0, 2, D4, F2, F4, F8, and FC are closed.


Use the delete command to remove an SDLC link station, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, MAC address entries, circuit priority overrides and MAC cache explorer overrides from the DLSw configuration.



Removes a configured MAC cache-entry.

Example: delete cache-entry

Enter mac cache record number [1]? 1
MAC cache entry has been deleted

mac cache record number
The record number of the MAC cache entry to be deleted. The record number can be determined by doing a list cache all configuration command.

Removes a MAC cache explorer override entry.

Example: delete explorer-override

Enter explorer override record number [1]?
Explorer override record has been deleted.

Explorer override record number
The record number of the MAC cache explorer override entry to be deleted. The record number can be determined by doing a list explorer-override command from talk 6.

Removes a local MAC address list entry.

Example: delete mac-list

Enter mac list record number [1]? 1
Local MAC list entry 10005A000000 / FFFFFF000000 has been deleted.
For the deletion to take effect, commit the change using
  't 5': SET MAC-LIST.

mac list record number
The record number of the MAC list entry to be deleted. The record number can be determined by doing a list mac-list all configuration command.

Removes a circuit priority override entry.

Example: delete priority

Enter circuit priority override record number [1]? 1
Circuit priority override record has been deleted.

Circuit priority override record number
The record number of the circuit priority override entry to be deleted. The record number can be determined by doing a list priority configuration command.

Removes support for a QLLC station on an X.25 network, or for a DLSw destination for QLLC stations.


delete qllc

Example: del q destination

DLSw config>del qllc dest
Enter the connection id (1-8 alphanumeric chars) [ ]? conn1
QLLC Destination record deleted

Example: del q station

DLSw config>del qllc st
Interface # [0]? 2
Logical channel number (1-4095) [0]? 4
QLLC station record deleted

Removes the specified SDLC link station from the list of stations that DLSw can provide services to when the router is restarted.


delete sdlc

Example: delete sdlc

Interface #[0]? 1
SDLC Address or 'sw' (switched dial-in) [C1]?
Record deleted

Interface #
The interface number of the router that connects to the SDLC link station.

SDLC Address
The SDLC address of the remote link station that you are deleting. Values are in the range 01-FE or "sw" for a switched SDLC call-in circuit.

Removes the IP address (ip_address) of the DLSw peer to which you can make a TCP connection.


delete tcp

Example: delete tcp

IP Address []?


Use the disable command to disable the DLSw protocol, an SDLC link station, the LLC disconnect function, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote MAC address lists.



Prevents the bridging router from performing DLSw functions over all DLSw configured interfaces.

Example: disable dls

Prevents the router from accepting incoming DLSw TCP connections from IP addresses other than those of DLSw neighbors that are configured using the add tcp command.

Example: disable dy

Prevents the router from terminating an LLC connection actively by issuing a DISC LLC frame. Instead, it terminates LLC connections passively. This causes the LLC connection at the end-station to detect the link termination. The IBM host responds differently to active and passive disconnections.

This command does not affect switching function for LLC in DLSw. Use the close-sap command to stop LLC switching function.

Example: disable llc

Disables the use of local or remote MAC address lists.



Example: disable mac-list local

Use of local MAC list is  DISABLED
For the change to take effect, restart or commit the change using
  't 5' : 'SET MAC-LIST'.

Example: disable mac-list remote

Use of remote MAC list is  DISABLED
For the change to take effect, restart or commit the change using
  't 5' : 'SET MAC-LIST'.

Specifying "callin" prevents DLSw from accepting incoming QLLC calls on the specified X.25 interface. This is the default state; an interface must be specifically enabled to permit incoming calls to DLSw.

Specifying "station" prevents a configured QLLC station from being the origin or target of DLSw sessions.



Example: dis q callin

Select the interface to be disabled for incoming QLLC calls:
Interface # [0]? 1
Interface 1 is now disabled for incoming QLLC calls

Example: dis q station

Interface # [0]? 1
Logical channel number (1-4095) [0] 2
This QLLC station has been marked disabled

Prevents DLSw connections to the specified SDLC Link station.

Example: disable sdlc

Interface #[0]? 1
SDLC Address or 'sw' (switched dial-in) [C1]?
Record updated


Use the enable command to enable the DLSw protocol,SDLC link station, LLC disconnect function, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote MAC address lists.


ipv4 dlsw precedence

Enables DLSw operation on the router.

Example: enable dls

Sets the router to accept incoming DLSw TCP connections from IP addresses other than those of neighbors configured using the add tcp command. This is the default state.

ipv4 dlsw precedence
Sets the router to set the IP precedence bits for IP version 4. These precedence bits are read by the BRS feature of the router to prioritize DLSw traffic.


enable IPv4 DLSw Precedence
IPv4 Precedence is now enabled.

Allows the router to terminate an LLC connection upon the loss of the TCP connection.

Disables the use of local or remote MAC address lists.



Example: enable mac-list local

Use of local MAC list is  ENABLED
For the change to take effect, restart or commit the change using
  't 5' : 'SET MAC-LIST'.

Example: enable mac-list remote

Use of remote MAC list is  ENABLED
For the change to take effect, restart or commit the change using
  't 5' : 'SET MAC-LIST'.

Specifying "callin" causes DLSw to receive incoming QLLC calls on the specified X.25 interface.

Specifying "station" allows a configured QLLC station to be the origin or target of DLSw sessions. This is the default state of every configured QLLC station.



Example: en q callin

Select the X.25 interface to be enabled for incoming QLLC calls:
Interface # [0]? 1
Interface 1 now enabled for incoming QLLC calls

Example: en q station

Interface # [0]? 1
Logical channel number (1-4095) [0]? 2
This QLLC station has been marked enabled

Enables DLSw connections to the specified SDLC link station.

Example: enable sdlc

Interface #[0]? 1
SDLC Address or 'sw' (switched dial-in) [C1]?
Record updated


Use the join-group command to enable DLSw neighbors to dynamically find and to create TCP sessions with each other, and to enable multicast exploring and frame forwarding. For an overview of these functions, see "TCP Connections, Neighbor Discovery, and Multicast Exploration". To use this command, the IP internet that is being used must support multicast routing, and you must configure OSPF and MOSPF from the OSPF Config> prompt.

When you add a DLSw router to a group, you select whether you want to use the group ID model of group identification (where the router constructs the corresponding multicast addresses), or specify the multicast addresses yourself. The group ID model is simpler to configure, but you must specify the multicast addresses yourself if you wish to have multicast connectivity with non-IBM DLSw Version 2 products. A router may be a member of both styles of groups at the same time.

You may join a maximum of 64 groups using the Group ID model. When you assign a DLSw router to a group, the DLSw protocol automatically adds one of two addresses to the group number to form a multicast address. The router transmits the multicast address to identify itself to other group members and to transmit packets to those members. The two addresses that are added to the group number are for DLSw clients and peers, and for DLSw servers. For example, the multicast address for a client in group 2 would be




The following example is for the default [G]. The descriptions following the example contains information for both (G) and (M).

DLSw config>join
Configure group member (G) or specific multicast address (M) -  [G]?
Group ID (1-64 Decimal) [1]? 2
Client/Server or Peer Group Member(C/S/P)- [P]? c
Connectivity Setup Type (a/p) [p]?
Transmit Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Receive Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Maximum Segment Size (Decimal) [1024]?
Enable/Disable Keepalive (E/D) [D]?
Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D) [D]?
Neighbor Priority (H/M/L) [M]?

Group member or specific multicast address
Selects whether you want the router to construct multicast addresses for you, or whether you want to supply the multicast addresses.

Multicast IP address
The multicast IP address is a DLSw Version 2 compliant multicast IP address in the range of to that is used to send and/or receive DLSw explorer traffic.

Read Only , Write Only or Read Write
This parameter indicates whether the configured multicast IP address should be used to only receive explorer traffic (Read Only), only send explorer traffic (Send Only), or to both send and receive explorer traffic (Read Write).

Group ID
The number of the group that you want this router to join.

Client/Server or Peer Group Member
The role this router should assume within the group: C for client, S for server, or P for peer.

Connectivity setup type
Indicates whether the router should join the group as an Active or Passive member. This controls when TCP connections are established with other group members, as described in "TCP Connections, Neighbor Discovery, and Multicast Exploration".

Transmit Buffer Size
The size of the packet transmit buffer from 1024 to 32768. Default is 5120.

Receive Buffer Size
The size of the packet receive buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default size is 5120.

Maximum Segment Size
The maximum size of the TCP segment from 64 to 16384. The default is 1024.

Enable/Disable Keepalive
Indicates whether you want DLSw to send TCP Keepalive messages on connections brought up within this group. Default is D (Disable).

Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D)
Indicates whether you want to discard NetBIOS SessionAlive I-Frames (do not forward to the DLSw partners associated with this group). The default is D (Disable) meaning do not discard frames.

Neighbor Priority (H/M/L) [M]?
Allows you to specify the neighbor priority as High, Medium, or Low. If a destination end-station is reachable through several neighbor routers with different priorities, DLSw tries to establish circuits to that end-station through the highest-priority neighbor.


Use the leave-group command to remove the router from a group that was configured using the join-group command, or to stop using a configured multicast address.

Leave-group does not affect existing TCP connections belonging to the specified group.



Example: leave-group

Configure group member (G) or specific multicast address (M) -  [G]?
Group ID (1-64 Decimal) [1]? 2


Use the list command to display DLSw information on SDLC link stations, circuit priority, SAPs, TCP neighbors, groups, dynamic neighbors, QLLC stations, destinations, interfaces, cache entries, MAC address list entries, circuit priority overrides, and MAC cache explorer overrides.



Lists configured MAC address cache entries.



cache all

Example: cache all

Entry  Mac Address   IP Address
-----  ------------  ---------------
    1  10005A123456
    2  10005A789ABC

cache entry-number

Example: cache entry-number

Enter mac cache record number [1]?
Entry  Mac Address   IP Address
-----  ------------  ---------------
    1  10005A123456

Displays the information that was configured with the enable and set commands.

Example: list dls

(Output from the list dls command is the same as the output from the list dls global command. See page *** for an example of this output.)

Displays the configured MAC cache explorer overrides.

Example: list explorer-override

    Explorer      Explorer      DB Age    Wait ICR  Nbr Pri   TESTrsp  Forwarding
ID  MAC Value     MAC Mask      Timeout   Timeout   Timeout   Delay    Explorers
--  ------------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ---------
 1  400031740000  FFFFFFFF0000  DISABLED    20      DISABLED  0.0      AllPartners
 2  10005A000000  FFFFFF000000   1200       20      2.0       0.0      NoPartner

Displays the LLC2 parameters that were configured with the set llc2 command. (For a complete explanation of these parameters see the set llc2 command ***.) These parameters are set per interface. If no changes to the LLC2 parameters were made using the set llc2 command, no output will be generated.

Example: list llc2

SAP     t1   t2   ti   n2   n3   tw   rw   nw   acc
 0       1    1   30    8    1    2    2    1    0

SAP number.

Reply timer.

Receive Ack timer.

Inactivity timer.

Maximum retry value.

Number of I-frames received before sending ACK.

Transmit window.

Receive window.

ACKs needed to increment Ww.

The current LLC2 implementation does not use access priority. As a result, this parameter always defaults to 0.

Lists configured MAC address list entries.



mac-list all

Example: list mac-list all

Entry  Mac Value     Mac Mask
-----  ------------  ------------
    1  10005A000000  FFFFFF000000
    2  400031740000  FFFFFFFF0000

mac-list entry-number

Example: list mac-list entry-number

Enter mac list record number [1}?
Entry  Mac Value     Mac Mask
-----  ------------  ------------
    1  10005A000000  FFFFFF000000

Displays all open SAPs and their associated interfaces.

Example: list open

Interface    SAP(s)
    0         0  4
    1         0  4  8  C

Lists the circuit priorities selected for SNA and NetBIOS circuits, the transmit ratios between the various circuit priorities, and the largest frame size configured for NetBIOS.
DLSw config> list priority
Default priority for SNA DLSw session traffic is           MEDIUM
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw session traffic is       MEDIUM
Default priority for SNA DLSw explorer traffic is          MEDIUM
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw explorer traffic is      MEDIUM
Message allocation by C/H/M/L priority is   4/3/2/1
Maximum frame size for NetBIOS is           2052
    Source/  SAP      MAC Address                  Session   Explorer
ID  Dest     Range    Range                        Priority  Priority
--  -------  -------  ---------------------------  --------  --------
 1  Source:  00 - FE  000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFF  CRITICAL  MEDIUM
    Dest  :  00 - 0C  10005A000000 - 10005AFFFFFF
 2  Source:  04 - 04  400031740000 - 40003174FFFF  CRITICAL  MEDIUM
    Dest  :  00 - FE  000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFF

Circuit priorities are Critical, High, Medium, or Low. The router uses the priority value you assign to selectively limit the burst-length of specific types of traffic. For example, if you assign SNA traffic a priority of Critical and NetBIOS session traffic a priority of Medium, with a message allocation of 4/3/2/1, the router processes 4 SNA session frames before it processes 2 NetBIOS frames, and so on. In this example, two-thirds of available bandwidth is dedicated to SNA traffic. When the router allocates bandwidth using priorities you specify, it counts frames rather than bytes.

Lists QLLC interfaces, destinations, or stations.



Example: li q callin

            Interfaces enabled for incoming QLLC calls to DLSw:

Example: li q destination

Connection ID   Dest  SAP/MAC
   CHICAGO       04   400000112323

For a description of the parameters, see the add qllc destination command on page ***.

Example: li q station

1f  P/S  LCN/DTE addr  E/D Source SAO/MAC   Dest Sap/MAC     PU Blk/IdNum
 1  PVC  2              E  04 400000310104  04 400011112323   2 000/00000
 1  PVC  4              E  04 400000317402  04 400000000002   2 017/00001
 1  SVC  3721111        E  04 400000310103  00 000000000000   2 000/00000

The parameters listed here are discussed on page ***. The "E/D" indicates whether the station was disabled via the disable qllc station command.

Displays the SDLC link station information that was configured with the add sdlc link station command.
Note:Switched SDLC call-in circuits are indicated by "FF(sw)" in the address field.

Example: list sdlc all

 Net  Addr    Status    Source SAP/MAC    Dest SAP/MAC     PU Blk/IdNum  PollType
 2    C1      Enabled   04 4000003174D1   00 400000000002  2  000/00000  TEST
 2    C2      Enabled   04 4000103D01C2   00 000000000000  4
 2    C3      Enabled   04 4000103D01C2   00 000000000000  2  017/00001  SNRM
 3    FF(sw)  Enabled   04 4000103d01d2   04 400000000003  2  017/00002 

The ID number of the interface that connects to the SDLC link station.

The SDLC address, in the range 01 - FE or "FF(sw)" for a switched SDLC call-in circuit, of the connecting link station.

The state, enabled or disabled, of the link station.

Source SAP/MAC
The LLC SAP and the MAC addresses that represent the attached SDLC station to the DLSw domain.

The LLC SAP and the MAC addresses of a remote end station to which the attached SDLC station will initiate circuit establishment when the SDLC station becomes active.

The SNA PU type of the attached SDLC device, as follows:

A PU 2.0 or T2.1 node

A PU 4 performing INN subarea routing to another PU 4 (that is, NCP-to-NCP)

A host or host with a front-end processor (for example, 37xx with NCP) making a boundary function connection to a PU 2.0 device in the DLSw network

The XID0 Block number and Id number that the router uses to generate an XID0 on behalf of the attached SDLC device. This field is displayed only for PU type 2 devices.

The type of SDLC frame that the router uses to make initial contact with the SDLC station, either a TEST frame, a SNRM frame or a delayed SNRM frame (a SNRM frame sent only after the DLSw session is established). This field is displayed only for PU type 2 devices.

Displays configured DLSw TCP neighbors. The neighbors were configured with the add tcp command.

Example: list tcp

                    Xmit    Rcv     Max     Keep-    SesAlive
Neighbor        CST Bufsize Bufsize Segsize Alive    Spoofing Priority
--------------- --- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------  p    5120    5120    1024  DISABLED DISABLED MEDIUM     p    5120    5120    1024  DISABLED DISABLED MEDIUM

The IP address of the TCP neighbor

Connectivity setup type, either Active or Passive.

Xmit Bufsize
The size of the packet transmit buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default is 5120.

Rcv Bufsize
The size of the packet-receive buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default is 5120.

Max Segsize
The maximum size of the TCP segment from 64 to 16384. The default is 1024.

The status of the Keepalive function, enabled or disabled.

SesAlive Spoofing
The status of the NetBIOS SesAlive spoofing function, enabled or disabled.

The priority of the neighbor router in the selection process. Neighbor priority is High, Medium, or Low.

The user-specified time to wait for various activities.

Example: list timers

Database age timer                 1200  seconds
Max wait timer for ICANREACH       20    seconds
Wait timer for LLC test response   15    seconds
Wait timer for SDLC test response  15    seconds
QLLC session retry timer           20    seconds
Join Group Interval                900   seconds
Neighbor priority wait timer       2.0   seconds
Neighbor Inactivity Timer            5   minutes
Time to delay sending test resp.   0.0   seconds    

For additional information, refer to the list timers command.


Displays the NetBIOS configuration prompt.

For a description of NetBIOS commands, see "NetBIOS Commands".




Issue the open-sap command for all SAPs you wish DLSw to use, either as the originator or as the target of DLSw circuits. The commonly-used SNA SAP values are 00, 04, 08, and 0C; all these SAPs can be opened together using the mnemonic "SNA". The NetBIOS SAP is F0 and can be referred to as "NB". SAPs related to the LAN Network Manager function are referred to collectively as "LNM". Open the SAPs for the protocols you select, on the interfaces through which DLSw will be reaching SNA or NetBIOS end stations, LNM, or the bridges that LNM is managing.



Example: open-sap

Interface #[1]?
Enter SAP in hex (range 0-FE), or one of the following:
  'SNA', 'NB', or LNM [4]? sna
SAP(s) 0 4 8 C opened on interface 1

Interface #
The number of the interface over which you want to open the SAP.

Enter SAP in hex
You can enter individual SAPs in hex or you can enter SNA, NB (for NetBIOS), or LNM (for LAN Network Manager).

If you enter SAPs in hex, the range is 0 to FE and the SAP must be an even number. If you enter SAP 4, 8, or C without having previously opened SAP 0 on the same interface, SAP 0 will be opened automatically for you.

If you enter SNA, SAPs 0, 4, 8, and C are opened.

If you enter NB, SAP F0 is opened.

If you enter LNM, SAPs 0, 2, D4, F2, F4, F8, and FC are opened.


Use the set command to configure the size of the MAC address-to-IP address mapping cache, the LLC2 parameters, the maximum number of DLSw sessions, the SRB segment number, protocol timers, TCP receive buffer size, TCP dynamic neighbors, parameters for QLLC operation, MAC address list related parameters and circuit priority overrides.



The set cache command enables you to specify the size of the MAC address-to-IP address mapping cache.

DLSw uses information stored in this cache to discover routes to remote stations. The larger the cache, the better the chances of DLSw finding a desired remote station without sending out CANUREACH frames to all known TCP/IP neighbors.

Nonetheless, you should avoid setting this cache size too large. Doing so will use up memory on the router and cut into the memory needed for actual DLSw sessions. The effect will be a reduction in the number of DLSw sessions that can be handled by the router.

Example: set cache

MAC  IP cache size (4 - 65535) [128]?

Allows you to specify various TCP parameters for dynamic neighbor TCP connections (that is, those that connect-in from neighbors not defined by the add tcp command). DLSw uses these values only if dynamic neighbors are enabled.

Example: set dyn

Transmit Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Receive Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Maximum Segment Size (Decimal) [1024]?
Enable/Disable Keepalive (E/D) [D]?
Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D) [D]?
Neighbor Priority (H/M/L) [M]?

For a description of the parameters listed here, see the add tcp command on page ***.

Allows you to specify limits on the number of SNA and NetBIOS explorer frames to be simultaneously queued to be sent to a DLSw partner.

Example: set explorer-limit

Max SNA explorers per transport queue (0-1000)[100]?
Max NB explorers per transport queue (0-1000)[100]?
DLSW explorer limit values have been set. 

Max SNA explorers per transport queue
The maximum number of SNA explorer frames that can be simultaneously queued to be sent to an individual DLSw partner.

Max NB explorers per transport queue
The maximum number of NetBIOS explorer frames that can be simultaneously queued to be sent to an individual DLSw partner.

Allows you to configure specific LLC2 attributes for a specific SAP.

Example: set llc2

Enter SAP in hex (range 0-F0)  [0]?  04
Reply timer (T1) in sec. [1]?
Receive Ack timer (T2) in 100 millisec. [1]?
Inactivity Timer (Ti) in sec. [30]?
Transmit Window (Tw), 1-127, 0=default [2]?
Receive Window (Rw), 127 Max [2]?
Acks needed to increment Ww (Nw) [1]?
Max Retry value (N2) [8]?
Number I-frames received before sending ACK (N3) [1]?

Enter SAP in hex
The SAP number that you want to tune. Values in the range 0 - FE.

Reply timer (T1)
This timer expires when the LLC2 peer fails to receive a required acknowledgment or response from the other LLC2 peer.

Receive Ack timer (T2)
The delay it takes to send an acknowledgment for a received I-format frame in milliseconds.

Inactivity Timer (Ti)
This timer expires when the LLC does not receive a frame for a specified time. When this timer expires, the LLC2 peer transmits an RR until the LLC2 peer responds or the N2 retry count is exceeded. Default is 30 seconds.

Transmit Window (Tw)
The maximum number of I-frames that can be sent before receiving an RR. Values in the range 1-127. 0 sets Tw to the default. Default is 2.

Receive Window (Rw)
The maximum number of unacknowledged sequentially numbered I-frames that an LLC2 peer can receive from a remote host.

Acks needed to increment Ww (Nw)
This affects the way the dynamic windowing algorithm works. Specifies the number of Acknowledgments after an error condition. Default is 1. The working window (Ww) is a dynamically changing shadow of the transmit window (Tw). After an LLC error is detected, the working window (Ww) is reset to 1. The 'Acks needed to increment Ww' value specifies the number of acks that the station must receive before incrementing Ww by 1. The Ww will continue to be incremented in this fashion until Ww = Tw.

Max Retry value (N2)
The maximum number of times the LLC2 peer transmits an RR without receiving an acknowledgment when the inactivity timer (Ti) expires.

Number I-frames received before sending ACK (N3)
The value is used with the T2 timer to reduce acknowledgment traffic for received I-frames. This counter is set to a specified value and decrements each time an I-frame is received. When this counter reaches 0 or the T2 timer expires, an acknowledgment is sent.

To ensure good performance, set N3 to a value less than the remote LLC's Tw. Default is 1.

Modifies the local MAC address list exclusivity.

Example: set mac-list

Local MAC list exclusivity (E=exclusive, N=non-exclusive) [N]? e
MAC list parameter set.
For the change to take effect, restart or commit the change using
  't 5' : 'SET MAC-LIST'.

Local MAC list exclusivity
Indicates whether the local MAC list is exclusive (represents all MAC addresses to be accessible via this DLSw) or non-exclusive (represents a set of MAC addresses to be accessible via this DLSw).

Sets the maximum number of DLSw sessions that the DLSw protocol can support. This includes both SNA and NetBIOS sessions (circuits).

Example: set maximum

Maximum number of DLSw sessions (1-60000) [1000]?

Allows you to specify the total amount of memory available to DLSw, and the amount of memory available to each DLSw session and for NetBIOS UI-frames. The router uses the per-session and UI-frame values to set limits at which flow control algorithms will begin/stop applying backward pressure to data sources, and begin/stop discarding UI-frame traffic.

The router does not currently use the overall DLSw allocation value, so this can be left at its default. Any DLS.161 messages that refer to the global transmit and receive pools (not the NetBIOS UI-frame pool) can be ignored. Instead of using these logical pools, DLSw pacing algorithms use the status of physical memory to determine the window sizes to advertise.

The LLC, SDLC, and QLLC session allocation values provide per-circuit (end-station pair) limits on the buffering of data flowing from LLC, SDLC, and QLLC-attached devices, respectively, to TCP. When the router reaches these limits, it sends RNRs/RRs to the appropriate end stations. The state of the per-session pools is visible from the DLSw monitoring command list dlsw memory as part of the list of active sessions.

Example: set memory

Number of bytes to allocate for DLSw (at least 2638)[140800]?
Number of bytes to allocate per LLC session [8192]?
Number of bytes to allocate per SDLC session [4096]?
Number of bytes to allocate per QLLC session [4096]?
Number of bytes to allocate for NetBIOS UI-frames [40960]?

The NetBIOS UI-frame allocation controls how many UI-frames (includes NetBIOS DATAGRAM, NAME_QUERY, ADD_NAME_QUERY, and so on) DLSw can buffer at any one time. When at this limit, DLSw discards received NetBIOS UI-frames and they must be retransmitted by the originating end-station. Setting this limit too low can therefore cause intermittent failure of NetBIOS circuit establishment attempts. The router reports a frame discard condition using ELS message DLS.161 (referring to the global NetBIOS UI-frame pool).


Lets you specify the circuit priorities to use for SNA circuits and NetBIOS circuits as well as letting you specify a traffic ratio between these priorities. You can use the set priority command to specify circuit priority as Critical, High, Medium, or Low (in descending order from Critical to Low). The router uses the priority values you assign to selectively limit the burst-length of specific types of traffic it is transmitting to its neighbors.

This function operates only during periods of congestion, when DLSw messages queue up before being sent to TCP. For example, you might assign SNA traffic a session and explorer priority of Critical, which corresponds by default to a message allocation value of 4. If you then assign NetBIOS session and explorer traffic a priority of Medium, which corresponds to a message allocation of 2, the router transmits 4 SNA frames before it transmits 2 NetBIOS frames. When the router processes 2 NetBIOS frames, it processes 4 SNA frames again, and so on. When allocating bandwidth using your assigned priorities, the router counts frames rather than bytes. Also, a particular circuit's priority is negotiated with the neighbor router at circuit bring-up time; consequently, the neighbor router may establish a new circuit's priority using some policy other than one based on configuration values you specified for this router. You might also want to assign different priorities to your SNA and NetBIOS session and explorer traffic.

You also can use the set priority command to set a maximum frame size for all NetBIOS circuits going through this router. NetBIOS end-stations have a tendency to generate the largest frames allowed, resulting in a single frame on a low-speed link occupying that link for several seconds, thus adversely affecting interactive SNA traffic. To reduce this effect, you can set a smaller maximum frame size value which the router signals to NetBIOS end stations using standard source-route bridging mechanisms. If you have transparently bridged (TB) segments in your network that are running NetBIOS, set the maximum NetBIOS frame size to at least 1470.

Example: set priority

Default priority for SNA DLSw session traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]?
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw session traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]?
Default priority for SNA DLSw explorer traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]?
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw explorer traffic (C/H/M/L) [M]?
Message allocation by C/H/M/L priority (4 digits) [4/3/2/1]?
Maximum NetBIOS frame size (516, 1470, 2052, or 4399) [2052]? 516

Lets you specify a range of dynamically-assigned MAC addresses that are used as the origin MAC address for incoming dynamic QLLC calls.

You specify the range by providing a base MAC address "X" for the range, and a maximum number "N" of dynamic addresses. DLSw chooses MAC addresses in the range X to X+(N-1).

Example: set qllc

QLLC base MAC address [40514C430000]?
Maximum QLLC dynamic addresses (0-max sess) [64]?

Sets the Source Routing Bridge (SRB) segment number that identifies DLSw on token-ring networks. Specify the segment number as a three-digit hexadecimal value.

Example: set srb

Enter segment number hex (1-FFF) [5]?

Sets the DLSw protocol timers.

Example: set timers

DLSw config>set timers
Database age timeout (0-10000 secs. Decimal) [1200]? 480
Max wait timer ICANREACH (1-1000 secs. Decimal) [20]?
Wait timer LLC test response (1-1000 secs. Decimal) [15]?
Wait timer SDLC test response (1-1000 secs. Decimal) [15]?
QLLC session retry timer (1-1000 secs. Decimal) [20]?
Group join timer interval (1-60000 secs. Decimal) [900]? 180
Neighbor priority wait timer (0, 1.0-5.0 secs. Decimal) [2.0]?
Neighbor Inactivity Termination Timer (0-255 minutes) [5]?
Time to delay sending test response (0.0-5.0 secs. Decimal) [0.0]?
DLSw timer values have been set.

Database age timeout
Specifies how long to hold unused DLSw entries. Database entries map destination MAC addresses into the set of DLSw peers that can reach them.

A value of zero indicates that entries in this database should not be aged. This may be useful when running neighbor TCP connections over dial interfaces, but is not generally recommended because it disables a number of other DLSw functions.

Max wait timer
Specifies how long to wait for an ICANREACH response for a previously transmitted CANUREACH.

Wait timer LLC test response
Specifies how long to wait for an LLC test response before giving up.

Wait timer SDLC test response
Specifies how long to wait for an SDLC test response before giving up.

QLLC session retry timer
The time the router waits before trying again to contact a QLLC station to start up a DLSw session.

Group join timer interval
The amount of time the router waits before broadcasting clusters of group advertisement messages. This can affect how long it takes for group-based DLSw functions to recover from intermediate router failure, and can affect the amount of overhead required for the multicast function to operate. This value is not used if you configure TCP connections rather than use the IP multicast features of DLSw.

Neighbor priority wait timer
Amount of time to wait during exploration before selecting a neighbor. This allows a higher priority neighbor to be selected even if it is not the first to respond with an ICANREACH message.

A value of zero indicates that the neighbor priority feature is not to be used. There will be no cached DLSw peer information for each MAC address. A CANUREACH is always sent and the first DLSw peer to send an ICANREACH is used (regardless of its priority).

Inactive neighbor termination timer
The time DLSw waits before taking down an inactive (zero sessions) passive TCP connection.

Delay sending TEST response
The amount of time to wait after completing exploration for a MAC address before sending the TEST response. This is useful if there are two DLSw 2216s on the same bridged LAN capable of reaching the same MAC address via DLSw peers. If one DLSw 2216 is preferable, the TEST response can be delayed at the less preferable 2216.

DLSw Monitoring Commands

This section describes the DLSw monitoring commands. These commands take effect immediately but do not become part of router's SRAM configuration. Thus, while monitoring commands enable you to make real-time changes to the router's configuration, these changes are overridden by the SRAM configuration when the router is restarted. Monitoring consists of these actions:

Accessing the DLSw Monitoring Environment

To enter the DLSw monitoring environment (GWCON process), enter talk 5 (or t 5) at the OPCON (*) prompt and protocol dls at the GWCON (+) prompt as shown in the following example:

MOS Operator Console
For help using the Command Line Interface, press ESCAPE, then '?'
* talk 5
+ protocol dls

DLSw Monitoring Commands

This section describes the DLSw Monitoring commands listed in Table 38. Use these commands to gather information from the database.

Table 38. DLSw Monitoring Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add  Dynamically adds an SDLC link station, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, MAC address list entries, circuit priority overrides, or MAC cache explorer overrides to the current configuration.
 BAN   Allows you to access the Boundary Access Node (BAN) console prompt for entering specific BAN console commands. See "Using the Boundary Access Node (BAN) Feature" for a detailed description. 
 Close-Sap   Dynamically closes a currently opened LLC SAP. LLC interfaces use SAPs for communication on the network. 
 Delete  Dynamically removes an SDLC link station, a DLSw session, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, mac address list entries, circuit priority overrides, and MAC cache explorer overrides.
 Disable  Dynamically disables the LLC switching function, an SDLC link station, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote mac address lists.
 Enable  Dynamically enables the LLC switching function, an SDLC link station, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote mac address lists.
 Join-Group   Dynamically adds the router to a DLSw group that is different from the SRAM configuration. 
 Leave-Group   Dynamically removes the router from the specified DLSw group. 
 List  Displays information for SDLC link stations, SAPs, circuit priority, DLSw groups, DLSw sessions, sessions for QLLC destinations, stations, and interfaces, cache entries, and mac address list entries. The command also provides detailed information on TCP capabilities, connections, and statistics.
 NetBIOS   Provides access to the NetBIOS Support prompt. 
 Open-SAP   Dynamically opens an LLC SAP. 
 Set   Dynamically changes the LLC2 parameters, the maximum DLSw sessions, memory allocation, protocol timers, circuit priority, parameters for dynamic neighbors, parameters for QLLC operation, or mac address list related parameters. 
 Test   Test particular MAC addresses against the current MAC address cache and MAC address lists. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to dynamically configure an SDLC link station, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, mac address list entries, circuit priority overrides, and MAC cache explorer overrides without affecting the SRAM configuration.



For examples and field descriptions, see the add command in the configuration chapter at "Add".


Use the ban command to access the BAN (Boundary Access Node) monitoring prompt. Enter the ban command from the DLS> prompt.



Once you access the BAN monitoring prompt, you can begin entering specific monitoring commands. See "Using the Boundary Access Node (BAN) Feature" for an explanation of the BAN monitoring commands..

To return to the DLSw> prompt at any time, enter the exit command.


Use the close-sap command to dynamically disable DLSw's use of the specified SAP without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration.



Example: close-sap

Interface #[1]?
Enter SAP in hex (range 0-FE), or one of the following:
  'SNA', 'NB', or LNM [0]? 04
SAP(s) 4 closed on interface 1

(An explanation of the close-sap parameters can be found on page ***.)


Use the delete command to dynamically remove an SDLC link station, DLSw session, a TCP neighbor IP address, a QLLC station or destination, cache entries, mac address list entries, circuit priority overrides, or MAC cache explorer overrides without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration. Use of this command also terminates any existing session.



Deletes the specified cache entry

Example: delete cache-entry

Enter MAC Address [400000000000]? 10005a123456
MAC 10005A123456 / IP address configured cache entry deleted.

Removes a currently active DLSw session.

Example: delete dls

Session identifier [1]?

Removes the specified MAC cache explorer override entry.

Example: delete explorer-override

Enter explorer override record number [1]?
Explorer override record has been deleted.

Deletes the specified mac address list entry.

Example: delete mac-list

Enter mac list record number [1]?
Local MAC list entry 10005A000000 / FFFFFF000000 has been deleted.

Deletes the specified circuit priority override entry.

Example: delete priority

Enter circuit priority override record number [1]?
Circuit priority override record has been deleted.

Removes support for a QLLC destination or station. If you delete a station that currently is active, DLSw verifies that you wish to take down the connection before doing so. Deleting a destination has no effect on existing connections.


Example: del q destination
Enter the connection id (1-8 alphanumeric chars) [ ]? conn1
QLLC Destination record deleted

Example: del q station

Interface # [0]? 2
Logical channel number (1-4095) [0]? 4
QLLC station record deleted

Closes the currently active SDLC link without affecting the SDLC link station configuration information.

Example: delete sdlc

Interface #[0]? 1
SDLC Address or 'sw' (switched dial-in) [C1]?
Link closed

Interface #
The interface number of the router that connects to the SDLC link station.

SDLC Address
The SDLC address of the remote link station that you are deleting, in the range 01 - FE or "sw" for a switched SDLC call-in circuit.

Removes the IP address (ip_address) of the DLSw peer to which the TCP connection is made. The TCP connection is closed.

Example: delete tcp

IP Address []?


Use the disable command to dynamically disable the LLC disconnect function, the DLSw protocol, an SDLC link station, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote mac address lists without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration. Disabling the entire DLSw function from monitoring is not supported.



(Examples using parameters of the disable command can be found beginning on page ***.)


Use the enable command to dynamically enable the LLC disconnect function, an SDLC link station, dynamic neighbors, a QLLC station or interface, or use of local and remote address lists without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration.



(Examples using parameters of the enable command can be found beginning on page ***.)


Use the join-group command to cause DLSw to start performing neighbor discovery, multicast exploration, and multicast frame forwarding functions.

For additional information and an example, see "Using DLSw".




Use the leave-group command to cause DLSw to stop performing neighbor discovery, multicast exploration, and multicast frame forwarding functions in the specified group or using the specified multicast address. This change is made without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration. Leave-group terminates existing TCP connections brought up under the specified group or multicast address. For additional information and an example, see "Using DLSw".




 Configure group member (G) or specific multicast address (M) -  [G]?
 Group ID (1-64 Decimal) [1]? 2


Use the list command to display DLSw information on SDLC link stations, circuit priority, SAPs, TCP neighbors, groups, dynamic neighbors, QLLC stations, destinations and interfaces, configured cache entries, MAC address list entries and MAC cache explorer overrides.



Displays information that pertains to the DLSw protocol. The options (global, memory, sessions, and cache) for the DLSw parameters are described below and on the following pages.

Displays the operational values of configured general DLSw parameters.

Displays configured DLS memory information and current memory usage.

Displays current DLS session information including source, destination, state, flags, destination IP address, and a session ID.

Lists the addresses in the DLSw MAC address cache.

dls global
Displays DLS global parameter information.

Example: list dls global

DLSw is                                ENABLED
LLC2 send Disconnect is                ENABLED
Dynamic Neighbors is                   ENABLED
SRB Segment number                     020
MAC <-> IP mapping cache size          128
Max DLSw sessions                      1000
DLSw global memory allotment           141312
LLC per-session memory allotment       8192
SDLC per-session memory allotment      4096
QLLC per-session memory allotment      4096
NetBIOS UI-frame memory allotment      40960
Dynamic Neighbor Transmit Buffer Size  5120
Dynamic Neighbor Receive Buffer Size   5120
Dynamic Neighbor Maximum Segment Size  1024
Dynamic Neighbor Keep Alive            DISABLED
Dynamic Neighbor SessionAlive Spoofing DISABLED
Dynamic Neighbor Priority              MEDIUM
QLLC base source MAC address           40514C430000
QLLC maximum dynamic addresses         64
Type of local MAC list                 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Use of local MAC list is               ENABLED
Use of remote MAC list is              ENABLED
SNA explorer limit                     100
NetBIOS explorer limit                 100

DLSw is
Status of the DLSw protocol, enabled or disabled.

LLC2 send disconnect is
Status of preventing the router from terminating an LLC2 connection upon the loss of the TCP connection. Values are enabled or disabled.

Dynamic Neighbors
Indicates whether DLSw is accepting incoming TCP connection attempts from DLSw routers that are not configured (that is, using the add tcp command).

SRB Segment number
The SRB segment that identifies DLSw in the RIF.

MAC<->IP mapping cache size
Specifies the size of the MAC-IP mapping cache.

Max DLSw Sessions
The maximum number of DLSw sessions that the DLSw protocol can support (both SNA and NetBIOS sessions).

DLSw global memory allotment
The maximum amount of memory allowed for use by DLSw.

LLC per-session memory allotment
The maximum amount of memory allowed for use by LLC DLSw session.

SDLC per-session memory allotment
The maximum amount of memory allowed for use by each SDLC DLSw session.

QLLC per-session memory allotment
The maximum amount of memory allowed for use by each QLLC DLSw session.

NetBIOS UI-frame memory allotment
The maximum amount of memory allowed for all NetBIOS UI-frames being forwarded by DLSw.

Dynamic Neighbor Transmit Buffer Size
The size of the TCP transmit buffer for dynamic TCP connections.

Dynamic Neighbor Receive Buffer Size
The size of the TCP receive buffer for dynamic TCP connections.

Dynamic Neighbor Maximum Segment Size
The maximum TCP segment size for dynamic TCP connections.

Dynamic Neighbor Keep Alive
Whether TCP Keep alive messages are to be sent on new dynamic TCP connections.

Dynamic Neighbor NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing
Whether NetBIOS SessionAlive I-frames are forwarded to DLSw peers established on new dynamic TCP connections.

Dynamic Neighbor Priority
The neighbor priority to be used for all new dynamic TCP connections.

QLLC base source MAC address
The lowest MAC address in the range used as source MAC addresses for dynamic incoming QLLC calls (SVCs).

QLLC maximum dynamic addresses
The maximum number of dynamic source MAC addresses that can be in use at any one time for dynamic incoming QLLC calls.

dls sessions all
Displays current dls session information.

Example: list dls session all

        Source           Destination        State       Flags  Dest. IP Addr   Id
     1. 400000000003 04  500000000003 04   Connected    2

The source MAC address and SAP of the session. For sessions with an SDLC, QLLC, or APPN source, the MAC address is replaced by the following character strings so that these sessions can be identified easily:
DLC Type        Characters      Content
  SDLC            1-5           "SDLC "
                  6-7           Interface number
                  8             "-"
                  9-10          SDLC station address
                  11-12         "  "
  QLLC            1-5           "QLLC "
                  6-7           Interface number
                  8             "P" for PVC, or "S" for SVC
                  9-12          LCN for PVC, or last 4 bytes of
                                     DTE address for SVC
  APPN            1-4           "APPN"
                  5-12          "        "

The destination MAC address of the session.

The state of the session. The following states can be displayed:

Indicates the initial state with no circuit or connection established.

Indicates that the target DLSw either is awaiting an SSP_STARTED indication or follows an SSP_START request.

Indicates that the target DLSw is awaiting a SSP_REACHACK response to an SSP_ICANREACH message.

Indicates that the end-to-end circuit has been established.

Indicates that the DLSw that originated the reset is awaiting the restart of the data link and a SSP_RESTARTED response to an SSP_RESTART message.

Indicates that the origin DLSw is awaiting an SSP_CONTACTED response to an SSP_CONTACT message.

Indicates that the target DLSw is awaiting an SSP_CONTACTED confirmation to an SSP_CONTACT message.

Indicates that the circuit is fully active for connection-oriented data transfer.

Indicates that the DLSw that originated the disconnect is awaiting an SSP_HALTED response to an SSP_HALT message.

Indicates that the remote DLSw is awaiting an SSP_HALTED indication following an SSP_HALT request.

Indicates that the local DLSw has received a RESTART_DL but not yet returned a DL_RESTARTED.

Indicates that the local DLSw has sent a CANUREACH_cs but not yet received an ICANREACH_cs.

Indicates that the local DLSw has received a HALT_DL_NOACK but has not completed closing the link station.

Flags can be one of the following:







Dest. IP Addr
The IP address of the remote DLSw peer.

The number used to identify the session. Use this number in any command that requires the session ID.

dls sessions appn
Displays dls session information on sessions that have APPN in this router as an end-point.

Example: list dls sess appn

Source             Destination      State      Flags    Dest IP Addr    Id
--------------     ---------------  ---------  -------  --------------  ----
1 APPN         04  400000000011 04  CONNECTED     0
2 APPN         04  400000000014 04  CONNECTED     1

dls sessions ban
Displays current information on BAN sessions

Example: list dls session ban

BAN port number (user 0 for all ports) [0]?
No active sessions

dls sessions dest
Displays dls session information by destination MAC address.

Example: list dls session dest

Destination MAC Address [40000000001]? 50000000003
Source              Destination       State       Flags  Dest. IP Addr  Id
1. 400000000003 04  500000000003 04   Connected  2
2. 400000000002 04  500000000003 04   Connected  3

dls sessions detail
Displays detailed dls session information.

Example: list dls session detail

                       Session Identifier [1]?
Source           Destination         State       Dest. IP Addr    Id
1. 400000000003 04  500000000003 04     Connected  2
                      Personality:      TARGET
                      XIDs sent:        2
                      XIDs rcvd:        0
                      Datagrams sent:   0
                      Datagrams rcvd:   0
                      Info frames sent: 15
                      Info frames rcvd: 0
                      RIF:              0620 0202 B0B 0
                      Local CID:        0136AF74:7E000021
                      Remote CID:       014AB030:7E000003
                      Priority:         MEDIUM

The ORIGINATOR (initiator) or TARGET (recipient) of the connection.

XIDs sent XIDs rcvd
The total number of XIDs that this DLSw peer has sent and received from the remote DLSw peer.

Datagrams sent Datagrams rcvd
The total number of datagrams that this DLSw peer has sent and received from the remote DLSw peer.

Info frames sent Info frames rcvd
The total number of I-frames that this DLSw peer has sent and received from the DLSw peer.

The information that is included in the RIF of the LLC test frame.

Local CID
The DLSw circuit ID assigned by this router.

Remote CID
The DLSw circuit ID assigned by the neighbor router.

The DLSw circuit priority established for this circuit when it was initiated.

dls sessions ip
Displays dls sessions to a specified TCP-connected neighbor.

Example: list dls session ip

Enter the DLS neighbor IP address []?
      Source        Destination      State      Dest. IP Addr     Id
1. 400000000003 04  500000000003 04  Connected   2

dls sessions nb
Lists information about the current active circuits that support NetBIOS.

Example: list dls sessions nb

      Source        Destination      State      Dest. IP Addr     Id
1. 400000000003 F0  500000000003 F0  Connected   2

dls sessions range
The range of dls sessions that you want to display. This number is located to the left of the source MAC address.

Example: list dls session range

Start [1]?
Stop  [1]?
   Source           Destination      State       Dest.  IP Addr    Id
1. 400000000003 04  500000000003 04  Connected   2

dls sessions src
Displays all dls session information by source MAC Address.

Example: list dls session src

         Source MAC Address [400000000001]?
   Source        Destination      State       Flags Dest. IP Addr  Id
1. SDLC 04   400000000002 04      Connected        1
Note:In this example source MAC address 400000000001 maps to the "SDLC 04" name. If you do not know the source MAC address required as a parameter for this command, then enter the list SDLC config all command to obtain this information.

dls sessions state
Displays all dls sessions in a specified state.

Example: list dls session state

         DISCONECT = 0,  RSLV_PEND = 1
         CIRC_PEND = 2,  CIRC_EST  = 3
         CIR_RSTRT = 4,  CONN_PEND = 5
         CONT_PEND = 6,  CONNECTED = 7
         DISC_PEND = 8,  HALT_PEND = 9
         REST_PEND = 10  WT_HALTNA = 11
         CIRC_STRT = 12  HLT_NOACK = 13
         Enter state value (0-10) [7]?
    Source            Destination      State       Flags  Dest. IP Addr Id
1. 400000000003 04  10005AF181A4 04  Connected  0
2. 400000000002 04  400000000088 04  Connected  1

list dls cache all
The list dls cache all command lists the entries in the DLSw MAC address cache. This cache contains a database of the most recent MAC address-to-IP neighbor translations. It provides the MAC address, time to live (in seconds) in the cache, and the neighbor's IP address.

Example: list dls cache all

    Mac Address   Entry Type  Secs to live      IP Address(es)   LFSize
1.  10005A123456  PERMANENT   (not being timed)   0
2.  10005A789ABC  STATIC      (not being timed)   0
3.  10005AF1809B  DYNAMIC        810     2052
4.  10005AF181A4  DYNAMIC        1170    2052
5.  400000000088  DYNAMIC        1170    2052

dls cache config
Displays DLSw configured MAC cache entries.

Example: list dls cache config

Mac Address   IP Address       Source     Last Mod
------------  ---------------  ---------  ---------
10005A789ABC   STATIC     ADDED

list dls cache range
Displays information for a specified range of cache entries.

Example: list dls cache range

Start [1]?
Stop ]1]? 20
       Mac Address   Entry Type  Secs to live      IP Address(es)   LFSize
   1.  10005A123456  PERMANENT   (not being timed)   0
   2.  10005A789ABC  STATIC      (not being timed)   0
   3.  10005AF1809B  DYNAMIC        810     2052
   4.  10005AF181A4  DYNAMIC        1170    2052
   5.  400000000088  DYNAMIC        1170    2052

dls memory
This command lists all existing DLSw sessions and the amount of memory in use by each session.

Example: list dls memory

Total DLSw bytes requested:             153600
Global receive pool bytes granted:       92160
 Currently in use:                          0
Global transmit pool bytes granted:      61440
 Currently in use:                        232
NetBIOS UI-frame pool total bytes:       40960
 Currently in use:                          0
                                      Session    Initial  Current  Congest  DLC Xmits
Id Source            Destination        State      alloc   alloc    State     Queued
5. SDLC 04C1     04  400000000003  04  Connected   16384   16384    READY       0
6. 400000000003  04  0000c9001119  04  Connected   16384   16384    READY       0

The "Currently in use" field shows the total amount of memory currently allocated by DLS. This includes all session allocations and control messages.

The "Congest State" field provides information on flow control and can be any of the following:

Indicates that the session is not congested.

Indicates that the session has used most of its session allotment and probably has flow controlled the data link.

Indicates that the session is congested due to a shortage of memory in the router.

Indicates that the session is congested due to a combination of session and global memory shortage.

The "DLC Xmits Queued" field shows the total number of frames queued for transmit in DLS to LLC or SDLC, plus the number queued within the DLC awaiting acknowledgment by the attached end station.

Lists the configured MAC cache explorer overrides.

Example: list explorer-override

    Explorer      Explorer      DB Age    Wait ICR  Nbr Pri   TESTrsp  Forwarding
ID  MAC Value     MAC Mask      Timeout   Timeout   Timeout   Delay    Explorers
--  ------------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ---------
 1  400031740000  FFFFFFFF0000  DISABLED    20      DISABLED  0.0      AllPartners
 2  10005A000000  FFFFFF000000   1200       20      2.0       0.0      NoPartner

mac-list all
Displays all local and remote MAC address list entries.

Example: list mac-list all

MAC Value     MAC Mask      IP Address
------------  ------------  ---------------
10005AF17F23  FFFFFFFFFFFF  Local
4000189E2000  FFFFFFFFF000
4000189E3000  FFFFFFFFF000  Local

mac-list config
Displays all locally configured MAC address list entries.

Example: list mac-list config

Entry  Mac Value     MAC Mask      Source     Last Mod
-----  ------------  ------------  ---------  ---------
    2  4000189E3000  FFFFFFFFF000  STATIC     UNCHANGED

mac-list local
Displays all active local MAC address list entries.

Example: list mac-list local

Type of MAC List (active) ....... EXCLUSIVE
Type of MAC List (pending) ...... EXCLUSIVE
MAC Value     MAC Mask
------------  ------------
4000189E3000  FFFFFFFFF000

mac-list remote
Displays ALL active remote MAC address list entries for a specific DLSw peer.

Example: list mac-list remote

Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address []?
Partner IP Address ..............
Type of MAC List ................ EXCLUSIVE
Use of remote MAC lists ......... ENABLED
MAC Value     MAC Mask
------------  ------------
4000189E2000  FFFFFFFFF000

groups config
Displays group information for this DLSw peer that was configured with the join-group command.

Example: list groups config

   Group#                     Xmit    Rcv     Max     Keep-    SesAlive
Mcast IP Addr   Role      CST Bufsize Bufsize Segsize Alive    Spoofing Priority
--------------- --------- --- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------      READWRITE  p    5120    5120    1024  DISABLED DISABLED MEDIUM
Group  2        PEER       p    5120    5120    1024  DISABLED DISABLED MEDIUM

Group # / Mcast IP Addr
For client/server/peer groups, the number of the group. For DLSw Version 2 groups, the multicast address is configured to read from or write to.

For client/server/peer groups, the role that this router is configured to assume within the group. For DLSw Version 2 groups, the read/write role of the configured multicast address: read-only, write-only, or read-write.

The Connectivity Setup Type this router is configured to use within the group, either Active (a) or Passive (p).

Xmit Bufsize
The size of the packet transmit buffer from 1024 to 32768. Default is 5120.

Rcv Bufsize
The size of the packet receive buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default is 5120.

Max Segsize
The maximum size of the TCP segment from 64 to 16384. The default is 1024.

Displays the status of the Keepalive function, enabled or disabled.

SesAlive Spoofing
Displays the status of the NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing function, enabled or disabled.

Displays the priority of the neighbor router in the selection process. Neighbor priority is High, Medium, or Low.

groups config
Displays group information for this DLSw peer that was configured with the join-group command.

Example: list groups config

    Group# /                       Xmit     Rcv      Max
 Mcast IP Addr    Role        CST  Bufsize  Bufsize  Segsize  Keepalive
 Priority       READ/WRITE   p    5120     5120     1024    DISABLED   MEDIUM
    1             CLIENT       p    5120     5120     1024    DISABLED   MEDIUM

Group # / Mcast IP Addr
For client/server/peer groups, the number of the group. For DLSw Version 2 groups, the multicast address is configured to read from or write to.

For client/server/peer groups, the role that this router is configured to assume within the group. For DLSw Version 2 groups, the read/write role of the configured multicast address: read-only, write-only, or read-write.

The Connectivity Setup Type this router is configured to use within the group, either Active (a) or Passive (p).

Xmit Bufsize
The size of the packet transmit buffer from 1024 to 32768. Default is 5120.

Rcv Bufsize
The size of the packet receive buffer from 1024 to 32768. The default is 5120.

Max Segsize
The maximum size of the TCP segment from 64 to 16384. The default is 1024.

Displays the status of the Keepalive function, enabled or disabled.

Displays the priority of the neighbor router in the selection process. Neighbor priority is High, Medium, or Low.

groups statistics
Displays statistics on the use of DLSw groups for explorer traffic since the last restart of the router or creation of the group.

Example: list groups stat

Group number    Data pkts   Data Bytes   Ctrl pkts   CURex pkts   NQex pkts
    or               Sent        Sent         Sent         Sent        Sent
Multicast IP@        Rcvd        Rcvd         Rcvd         Rcvd        Rcvd
-------------   ---------   ---------   ----------   ----------   ---------
Group 1                 0           0          116           24          10
                        0           0           25           10           2              0           0          224           33           0
                        0           0           21            8           0

llc2 open
Displays information for all currently open SAPs on interfaces between LLC2 peers.

Example: list llc2 open

Interface   SAP(s)
    0        0  4
    1        0  4  8  C

llc2 SAP parameters
Displays LLC2 parameter configuration information. Only configurations that were changed will be displayed. If the set llc2 command was not used, no output will be generated.

Example: list llc2 sap parameters

SAP              t1    t2    ti    n2    n3    tw    rw    nw    acc
---              --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
 0                1     1    30     8     1     2     2     1     0

llc2 sessions all
Displays current information for all LLC2 sessions.

Example: list llc2 sessions all

   SAP   Int.   Remote Addr    Local Addr    State      RIF
1. 04    6      400000000003   500000000003  CONTACTED  0620 0202 B0B0

The state of the llc session. The following states can be displayed:

Indicates the data link control structure exists but no data link is established.

The connect pending state is entered when a test command frame to NULL SAP is received or when a DLC_START_DL command is received from the DLS.

The resolve pending state is entered when a DLC_RESOLVE_C command has been sent to DLS.

This is a steady state where LLC Type 1 level services are available through the DLS cloud. This state is entered when a DLC_RESOLVE_R command is received from DLS or when a TEST response frame is received from the network.

This state is entered whenever a response to a transmitted or received SABME is outstanding.

This is a steady state that is entered whenever an UA response for a transmitted SABME has been received, or an UA has been previously transmitted for a received SABME. In this state LLC2 information frames are exchanged over the DLS cloud.

This state is entered whenever a DISC command has been transmitted or received, or a DLC_HALT has been received from DLS.

llc2 sessions ban
Displays current information for LLC2 sessions involving the BAN function.

llc2 sessions nb
Displays current information for LLC2 sessions carrying NetBIOS protocol traffic.

llc2 sessions range
Displays current information for the selected range of LLC2 sessions.

Example: list llc2 sessions range

               SAP   Int.   Remote Addr   Local Addr    State      RIF
            1. 04    6      400000000003  500000000003  Contacted  0620 0202 B0B0

Displays DLSw circuit priority information.

Example: list priority

Default priority for SNA DLSw session traffic is           HIGH
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw session traffic is       MEDIUM
Default priority for SNA DLSw explorer traffic is          MEDIUM
Default priority for NetBIOS DLSw explorer traffic is      LOW
Message allocation by C/H/M/L priority is   4/3/2/1
Maximum frame size for NetBIOS is           516
    Source/  SAP      MAC Address                  Session   Explorer
ID  Dest     Range    Range                        Priority  Priority
--  -------  -------  ---------------------------  --------  --------
 1  Source:  00 - FE  000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFF  CRITICAL  MEDIUM
    Dest  :  00 - 0C  10005A000000 - 10005AFFFFFF
 2  Source:  04 - 04  400031740000 - 40003174FFFF  CRITICAL  MEDIUM
    Dest  :  00 - FE  000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFF

Lists QLLC interfaces, destinations, or stations that are enabled.



Example: li qllc callin

Interfaces enabled for incoming QLLC calls to DLSw:

Example: li qllc dest

Connection ID   Dest  SAP/MAC           Hits
  CHICAGO       04   400000112323         0

For a description of the configurable fields in this display, see the add qllc command in "Using DLSw". The Hits field indicates the number of times that DLSw has used a match between the connection id in an incoming QLLC Call_Request packet and this connection id.

Example: li qllc sess

If  P/S  LCN/DTE addr    Source SAP/MAC   Dest SAP/MAC      Type   State
 4  PVC  4               04 400000310401  00 000000000000   PERM   NET_DOWN
 4  SVC  3721111         04 400000310402  00 000000000000   STAT   NET_DOWN
     2 Circuits    1 PVC   1 SVC       1 Permanent   1 Static   0 Dynamic

For a description of the configurable fields in this display, see the add qllc command in "Using DLSw".

The Type field has the following values:

PERM (Permanent)
This station definition was part of router configuration the last time the router was started.

STAT (Static)
This station definition was added by the user under the DLSw monitoring function after the router was last started.

DYNM (Dynamic)
DLSw dynamically created this station definition as a result of an incoming call, or because of the need to place multiple outgoing calls to a single remote DTE address.

The summary line at the bottom of the session list shows how many sessions of each type currently exist.

The State field indicates the state of the DLSw connection from a QLLC point of view. These states are different from the main DLS states displayed under the list dls sess commands and add information about what is happening on the QLLC interface. Possible values are:

The X.25 interface is currently down.

The X.25 packet layer is currently down.

For this and all the following states, the X.25 interface and packet layers are up. In this state, DLSw is waiting for an end station to start connection establishment.

DLSw is polling the QLLC end station with a QXID (XID_null) in an attempt to initially contact the device or recover a lost connection.

DLSw is polling the QLLC end station with a QSM in an attempt to initially contact the device or recover a lost connection.

DLSw has heard from the QLLC end station and is exploring for the appropriate destination in the DLSw network.

DLSw's exploration has been satisfied and has initiated a circuit start request (sent CUR_cs).

DLSw has placed a call request out to the QLLC end station and is waiting to see whether the call is answered successfully.

The DLSw circuit is in "circuit established" state; it is available for sending and receiving SNA XIDs.

DLSw has sent QSM to the QLLC end station and is awaiting QUA.

The DLSw circuit is all the way up and can carry I-frame end-user data.

DLSw has requested a circuit disconnect to the QLLC station and is awaiting acknowledgment.

DLSw has requested a PVC reset or SVC clear call to the QLLC station and is awaiting acknowledgment.

Example: li qllc sta

If  P/S  LCN/DTE addr   E/D Source SAP/MAC   Dest SAP/MAC    PU Blk/IdNum  Type
 1  PVC  2               E  04 400000310104  04 400011112323  2 000/00000  PERM
 1  SVC  3721111         E  04 400000310103  00 000000000000  2 000/00000  PERM
 1  PVC  4               E  04 400000317402  04 400000000002  2 017/00001  PERM

For a description of the configurable fields in this display, see the add qllc command in "Using DLSw". The "E/D" field indicates whether the station is currently enabled. The "Type" field has the same values described above for the list qllc sessions command.

sdlc config
Displays configured parameters for the SDLC attached PU.

Example: list sdlc config

    Interface #, or 'ALL' [0]? all
Net  Addr    Status    Source SAP/MAC    Dest SAP/MAC      PU  Blk/Idnum  PollType
1    C1     Enabled   04 4000103D01C1   00000000000000    2   000/00000  TEST
1    C2     Enabled   04 4000103D01C2   00000000000000    2   000/00000  SNRM
3    FF(sw) Enabled   04 4000103D01D2   04 400000000003   2   000/00000  TEST

sdlc sessions
Displays information about all SDLC dls sessions within the router.

Example: list sdlc sessions

    Net  Address   Source SAP/MAC    Dest SAP/MAC     PU    OutQ   State
1.   1    C1       04 4000103D01C1   00 000000000000  2      0    NET_DOWN
2.   1    C2       04 4000103D01C2   00 000000000000  2      0    NET_DOWN

Because DLSw and SDLC have the ability to do full XID negotiation, it is possible that the attached SDLC link station will set the link to a different SDLC station address than that configured in the router. When this happens, two SDLC station addresses are shown under the "Addr" column of this display, using the format xx(yy). In this format, xx is the station address configured at this router and is still used for all configuration and monitoring commands to refer to this link station. The current operational address that was set by the attached SDLC device is the value yy shown in parentheses to the right.

tcp capabilities
Displays the information received from a partner DLSw router in its capabilities exchange message.

Example: list tcp capabilities

Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address []?
Vendor ID:                  10005A
Vendor product version:     IBM 2216 Nways MAS 2216-MAS
Initial pacing window:      12
Preferred TCP connections:  1
Supported SAPs:             00 04 08 0C F0
MAC List Exclusivity:       Complete List
MAC List:                   08005ACEEA1C [FFFFFFFFFFFF]
                            4000189E2000 [FFFFFFFFF000]
NetBIOS Exclusivity:        (not supplied)
NetBIOS Name List:          (none supplied)
Multicast Version:          01
IBM CST:                    Passive Transport
IBM Multicast:              Available
IBM Capex Correlator:       19660

Vendor ID
The IEEE Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) of the vendor of the neighbor DLSw. IBM's OUI is X'10005A'.

Vendor version
A text string that the neighbor DLSw sent to describe itself. "(not available)" indicates that the neighbor implementation did not send such a string.

Initial pacing window
The number of paced SSP messages this DLSw is allowed to send to the neighbor DLSw upon receiving the initial pacing grant for each new circuit.

Preferred TCP connections
The number of TCP connections (1 or 2) that this neighbor would like to have. The IBM 2216 adjusts to the requested number, and will have only 1 full-duplex TCP connection to neighbors who request this.

Supported SAPs
The list of SAPs that the neighbor DLSw has open or will automatically open, on any of its LAN interfaces or representing its attached SDLC stations.

MAC List Exclusivity
Indicates whether the MAC address list sent by this neighbor is to be considered as a complete or partial list of the MAC addresses that are local to that neighbor. A response of "(not supplied)" indicates that this neighbor did not send a MAC address list as part of its capabilities.

MAC List
Displays all MAC list values and masks that this neighbor sent in its MAC address list. A response of "(none supplied)" indicates that this neighbor did not send a MAC address list as part of its capabilities.

NetBIOS Exclusivity
Indicates whether the NetBIOS name list sent by this neighbor is to be considered as a complete or partial list of the NetBIOS names that are local to that neighbor. A response of "(not supplied)" indicates that this neighbor did not send a NetBIOS name list as part of its capabilities.

NetBIOS Name List
Displays all the NetBIOS name qualifiers that this neighbor sent in its NetBIOS name list. A response of "(none supplied)" indicates that this neighbor did not send a NetBIOS name list as part of its capabilities.

Multicast Version
Indicates what version of Multicast this neighbor supports as defined by the AIW standard. A response of not supplied indicates that this neighbor did not send a Multicast Version as part of its capabilities.

Indicates which IBM Connectivity Setup Type (CST) this neighbor has configured. A response of not supplied indicates that this neighbor did not send an IBM CST as part of its capabilities.

IBM Multicast
Indicates whether or not specific IBM Multicast functions are available at this neighbor. A response of indicates not supplied that this neighbor did not send an IBM Multicast as part of its capabilities.

IBM Capex Correlator
Indicates the value of the last IBM Capex Correlator received from this neighbor. A response of not supplied indicates that this neighbor did not send an IBM Capex Correlator as part of its capabilities.

tcp config
Displays the configuration parameters for all configured TCP connections to peer DLSw routers.

Example: list tcp config

                     Xmit    Rcv     Max     Keep-    SesAlive
Neighbor        CST Bufsize Bufsize Segsize Alive    Spoofing Priority
--------------- --- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------   p    5120    5120    1024  DISABLED DISABLED MEDIUM

tcp sessions
Displays the status of all known TCP sessions to peer DLSw routers.

Example: list tcp sessions

   Group   IP Address      Conn State     CST  Version  Active Sess Sess Creates
   ------- --------------- -------------- ---  -------- ----------- ------------
1  ESTABLISHED     p   AIW V1R0      2           4

The group through which the neighbor was discovered, if applicable

IP Address
The neighbor IP address used for DLSw

Conn State
The state of the transport connection (which may consists of 1 or 2 TCP connections) to this neighbor. The valid states are:

TCP session not established; no capabilities exchanged (passive partners only).

Attempt to exchange capabilities failed; TCP session is brought down.

TCP session not established; capabilities successfully exchanged (passive partners only) (ready for DLSw explorer traffic)

This 2216 has attempted to establish a TCP session with neighbor.

TCP session between neighbor and this 2216 is active, but TCP session between this 2216 and neighbor is not active.

TCP session between this 2216 and neighbor is active, but TCP session between neighbor and this 2216 is not active.

TCP session established; in process of exchanging capabilities.

TCP session established; capabilities exchanged (ready for use for DLSw sessions).

Bringing down TCP session.

TCP session not established; waiting for timer to expire in order to attempt to re-establish TCP session.

Current Connectivity Setup Type, as follows:
a - Locally configured as active
p - Locally configured as passive
A - Locally configured as passive, but operating in active mode
    due to neighbor requirements
D - Not locally configured, but a dynamic neighbor TCP connection

The neighbor's DLSw protocol level. May be one of AIW VnRm for AIW standard-compliant routers, RFC1434+ for pre-AIW V1R0 implementations, or UNKNOWN.

Active Sess
The current number of active (in any state) DLSw sessions (circuits) on this transport connection

Sess Creates
The total number of DLSw sessions (circuits) that ever entered the CIRC_EST state, since the last restart of the router or "add tcp" of this transport connection.

tcp statistics
Displays statistics on the use of TCP transport connections since the last restart of the router or "add tcp" of this transport connection.

Example: list tcp statistics

Enter the DLSw neighbor IP Address -
                                      Transmitted           Received
                                      -----------           -----------
 Data Messages                             214                  231
 Data Bytes                             372997               413259
 Control Messages                           16                   34
 CanYouReach Explorer Messages               0                    0
 ICanReach Explorer Messages                 0                    0
 NameQuery Explorer Messages                 1                    2
 NameRecognized Explorer Messages            2                    1

The user-specified time to wait for various activities.

Example: list timers

Database age timer                 1200  seconds
Max wait timer for ICANREACH       20    seconds
Wait timer for LLC test response   15    seconds
Wait timer for SDLC test response  15    seconds
QLLC session retry timer           20    seconds
Join Group Interval                900   seconds
Neighbor priority wait timer       2.0   seconds
Neighbor Inactivity Timer            5   minutes
Time to delay sending test resp.   0.0   seconds

Database age timer
The time to hold unreferenced MAC address-to-IP address database entries. Zero indicates that entries in this database are not being timed.

Max wait timer for ICANREACH
The time the router waits for a response to a CANUREACH message before deciding that the session will not come up.

Wait timer for LLC test response
The time the router waits for an LLC test response before retransmitting an LLC test frame.

Wait timer for SDLC test response
The time the router waits before trying again to contact an SDLC station to start a DLSw session.

QLLC session retry timer
The time the router waits before trying again to contact a QLLC station to start a DLSw session.

Join Group Interval
The time between DLSw group advertisement broadcasts.

Neighbor priority wait timer
The time DLSw waits before selecting a neighbor during a given session-establishment attempt.

Neighbor Inactivity Timer
The time DLSw waits before taking down an inactive (zero sessions) passive TCP connection.

Delay sending TEST response
The amount of time to wait after completing exploration for a MAC address before sending the TEST response


Displays the NetBIOS monitoring prompt.



Example: netbios

NetBIOS Support User Configuration
NetBIOS config>

For a description of NetBIOS commands, see "Configuring and Monitoring NetBIOS".


Use the open-sap command to dynamically enable DLSw switching for the specified service access point (SAP) without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration.




Refer to "Open-Sap" for additional information and an explanation of the open-sap parameters.


Use the set command to dynamically change the LLC2 parameters, the maximum number DLSw sessions, protocol timers, TCP dynamic neighbors, parameters for QLLC operation, mac address list related parameters, and circuit priority parameters without affecting the DLSw SRAM configuration.



Enables you to specify various TCP parameters for dynamic neighbor TCP connections (that is, those that connect-in from neighbors not defined by the add tcp command). DLSw uses these values only if dynamic neighbors are enabled.

Syntax: dynamic-tcp

Example: set dyn

Transmit Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Receive Buffer Size (Decimal) [5120]?
Maximum Segment Size (Decimal) [1024]?
Enable/Disable Keepalive (E/D) [D]?
Enable/Disable NetBIOS SessionAlive Spoofing (E/D) [D]?
Neighbor Priority (H/M/L) [M]?            

For a description of these parameters, see the add tcp command in "Using DLSw".

Allows you to specify limits on the number of SNA and NetBIOS explorer frames to be simultaneously queued to be sent to a DLSw partner.

Example: set explorer-limit

Max SNA explorers per transport queue (0-1000)[100]?
Max NB explorers per transport queue (0-1000)[100]?
DLSw explorer limit values have been set. 

Max SNA explorers per transport queue
The maximum number of SNA explorer frames that can be simultaneously queued to be sent to an individual DLSw partner.

Max NB explorers per transport queue
The maximum number of NetBIOS explorer frames that can be simultaneously queued to be sent to an individual DLSw partner.

Allows you to configure specific LLC2 attributes for a specific SAP.

Example: set llc2

(An example of the set llc2 command can be found on page ***).

Allows you to set the local MAC address exclusivity. This command also enables you to commit all changes that have been previously made through the following monitoring commands:

As a result of this command, a new run-time capabilities will be sent to all DLSw peers to communicate the new information.

Syntax: mac-list

Example: set mac-list

Local MAC list exclusivity (E=exclusive, N=non-exclusive) [N]? e
MAC list parameter set.
For the change to take effect, commit the change (next question).
The next question allows you to commit
any of the following changes (permanent and temporary):
  - changes made using ENABLE MAC-LIST LOCAL
  - changes made using ENABLE MAC-LIST REMOTE
  - changes made using DISABLE MAC-LIST LOCAL
  - changes made using DISABLE MAC-LIST REMOTE
  - changes made using ADD MAC-LIST
  - changes made using DELETE MAC-LIST
  - changes made using SET MAC-LIST
Would you like to commit the MAC list changes? [No]: y
Use of local MAC list remains    ENABLED.
Use of remote MAC list remains    ENABLED.
Type of local MAC list has changed from NON-EXCLUSIVE to EXCLUSIVE    .
Entry added temporarily:   08005ACEE5D9 / FFFFFFFFFFFF.
Entry added temporarily:   4000189E3000 / FFFFFFFFF000.
Would you still like to commit the MAC list changes? [No]: y
MAC address list changes have been committed. 

This command enables you to dynamically specify the total amount of memory allocated to DLSw, and the total amount of memory to be allotted to each DLSw session.

Example: set memory

An example of the use of the set memory command can be found on page ***.

Allows you to specify the circuit priorities to use for SNA circuits and NetBIOS circuits. You can configure circuit priorities of Critical, High, Medium, or Low (in descending order from Critical to Low).

This command also enables you to configure the ratio of transport transmits for each circuit priority, and to set the maximum frame size to use for NetBIOS. If your network contains any transparently bridged (TB) segments, use a maximum NetBIOS frame size of at least 1470.

Example: set priority

For more information on the set priority command, see page ***.

Lets you specify a range of dynamically-assigned MAC addresses that are used as the origin MAC address for DLSw sessions resulting from incoming dynamic QLLC calls.

Specify the range by providing a base MAC address "X" for the range, and a maximum number "N" of dynamic addresses. DLSw chooses MAC addresses in the range X to X+(N-1).



Example: set qllc

DLSw config>set qllc
QLLC base MAC address [40514C430000]?
Maximum QLLC dynamic addresses (0-max sess) [64]?

Sets the DLSw protocol timers.

Example: set timers

An example of the set timers command can be found on page ***.


Use the test command to perform tests against the currently active MAC address cache and MAC address list.



Allows you to determine how a frame destined for a particular MAC address would be forwarded based upon current cache and DLSw peer information.

Syntax: cache

Example: test cache

MAC address to be tested [000000000000]? 10005af1809b
Enter largest frame size to perform test against [2052]?
Destination MAC address being tested .... 10005AF1809B
MAC cache entry found:
  Entry type = DYNAMIC
Handling of SNA explorer SSP messages ....
  Explorer SSP message not sent (information found locally).
Handling of SNA circuit setup SSP messages ....
  Circuit Setup SSP message would be forwarded to
Handling of NetBIOS explorer SSP messages ....
  Explorer SSP message would be broadcast.
  How explorer destined for this MAC address is forwarded to DLSw partners
    Send to all partners with non-exclusive mac address lists.
  There are currently no DLSw partners to forward the explorer to.
Handling of NetBIOS circuit setup SSP messages ....
  No currently known transport that can support circuit setup for given lfsize.

Allows you to match a given MAC address against all currently active MAC address list entries (local and remote). This is useful in resolving MAC address list conflict problems.

Syntax: mac-list

Example: test mac-list

MAC address to be tested [000000000000]? 10005af1809b
Destination MAC address being tested .... 10005AF1809B
MAC address value  MAC address mask   IP Address
-----------------  -----------------  ---------------
10005AF1809B       FFFFFFFFFFFF

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